Turning learning content to Games

Build curricular games in minutes

Engage students & trainees deeply

Upload content

Simply drag and drop your text or video based learning content.

Configure AI assistant

What if Jordan Belfort trained your new sales trainees? What if Winston Churchill taught WW2? Build AI assistants, assign them roles & responsibilities  based on what you teach, the learning pace and the persona of the student. 

Configure your game

Pick a game from our library and configure it to assess a student, deliver the course content, to summarise the content and more

Tried & Tested

We've spent years helping educators.

Enabling cutting-edge instructional design

5X productivity

Scale without compromising on the commitment to personalised attention to each student.

Automation & Visibility

Collaborate & exchange value and information across the board without burning out your instructors.

Increased Engagement

The cutting edge in immersive learning methods.

Increase value generated

Extract the most value from your learning content with curricular games. Stand out from your competition, increased productivity from trainees.

Our Client's Testimonials

── "Culvii made us think bigger than just our roles, where would we like to see technology take us to? "

    Michael Armstrong
    Michael Armstrong

    Head of Learning Platform, ICEPE




    For individuals


    Let's talk

    For small/medium size  courses


    Let's talk

    Scales with you 


    Our commitment is help you maximise the value generated by your learners from your course content. Whether its increasing the productivity and effectiveness from corporate training or increased performance from students, we ensure you achieve your goal.

    Our Vision

    Building future of learning with AI

    We are building the state of the art in instructional design which is pushing the limits of learning experiences and transforming how we learn. 

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